Backdrop Material Options
More cost effective and eco-friendly than paper backgrounds, Westcott backdrops offer portability and durability for frequent up-and-down use. Each includes grommets for mounting to various backdrop support systems or with wall hooks.

Wrinkle-Resistant Solid Color Backdrops
Wrinkle-resistant, washable, and reflection-free material pulls taut for a smooth and seamless look. These backdrops can be folded for transport and storage. Each has built-in grommets for mounting. Backdrops 5x12' and larger include a pole pocket.

Printed Fabric Backdrops
Available in 8x8' and 5x7' sizes, fabric printed backgrounds print with rich, high-contrast colors. The soft, non-reflective, and machine washable material is fitted with 5 metal grommets for quick setup on an X-Drop Pro or X-Drop Stand.
Backdrop Support Systems

Collapsible Backdrop Clip
This clip quickly mounts collapsible backdrops and reflectors to a stand. Designed to work with any pop-up background or collapsible reflector.

This 3.6 lb aluminum backdrop stand is the lightest available on the market. It sets up in under 2 minutes and supports 5x7' and 5x12' X-Drop backdrops. The backdrop frame is adjustable to 20" depth for placement in tight spaces.
Backdrop Sizes
We are proud to offer a wide range of backdrop sizes for all types of photography and video, including portraits, headshots, product photos, chroma-key video, interviews, video conferencing, and more.

5' x 7' Backdrops
Suitable for capturing headshots and video conferencing.

5' x 12' Backdrops
These sweeping backdrops are ideal for full-length portraits and product photos.

8' x 8' Backdrops
Suitable for capturing horizontal and small group portraits.

8' x 13' Backdrops
Suitable for capturing small groups and full-length portraits

9' x 10' Backdrops
Suitable for capturing large group portraits.

9 x 20' Backdrops
These large, sweeping backdrops are ideal for capturing large groups and full-body portraits.